Saturday, March 1, 2014

PC, 1974

 Presbyterian College is supposedly a college funded and supported by Presbyterians.  If the Presbyterians knew that this is an insane asylum, guess how much money PC would get?  Yes friends, PC is an insane asylum.
 The administration and staff seem not to have enough guts to enforce the rules set forth by the trustees and deceased few.  Rules such as alcohol, firearms, firecrackers, noise level, drugs, to name just a few, are just overlooked by the enforcing officials.
 It is my opinion that it is time that the school decide whether they will become a Christian school or to turn into total apathy and drop the Presbyterian name.  Let's just call this school "College", so that people won't be shocked when they find out that it was originally founded by churchmen.
 The administration should visit state-supported schools.  They might find that places like Clemson and Carolina are a lot more civilized than this so-called "college".
 No, I am not innocent of any wrongdoings at this school.  Maybe I should be disciplined, too.  But, if a decision isn't made soon, PC will not stand and like the old maxim "A House divided against itself cannot stand", this school will come under the same fate unless something is done now.  There must be a decision in the administration.  Guts or Nuts!

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