Friday, March 7, 2014

PC ROTC, 1974

 I recently saw a publication by the U. S. Army called "Preventive Maintenance", and it really shocked me.  It is prepared for our own ROTC.  Let me tell you what it contained.
 First of all, it uses cartoons, mostly of a beautiful girl, and using very suggestive comments.  For example:  "Check your self-locking nuts!"  "We have the world's best equipment".  "Out!  Out!  Cook and sticky stuff begone!"  "Try the insert again, but gently--and straight!  Easy does it!"  "Don't tempt me, Connie".
 Secondly, it has a basic statement in it, saying, "PC wants your ideas and contributions and is glad to answer your questions.  Name and address are kept in confidence."  What does the army have to hide, or for that matter, what does the ROTC have to hide?  Why would the army hold something in confidence unless they had something to hide?
 Thirdly, it uses illustrations to show how to kill.  We are supposed to be at peace, as far as our soldiers are concerned.  Nowhere in the world are there full-scale military operations in a war by American soldiers.  There are no open combat zones, comparable to Vietnam, in the world today for American forces.  So, why does a book, published in 1974, still retain the killing motives.
 ROTC has no place on this campus, if they are being fed this junk, this trash, these immoral jokes, given out by the U. S. Army and your government--the government of the United States of America.

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