Sunday, March 9, 2014

Blue Stocking, 1974

 In the Feb. 1, 1974 issue of your paper, a letter appeared in your paper by me.  Evidently, the administration did not care that this school is turning into no school at all, so this letter should clear up a point made previously.
 The administration make rules.  There are no rules.  I don't mind if there are no rules, but sometimes people go too far in disobeying the rules.  Yes, I'm mad, and I'm just one person, but this person must speak out.
 The administration has no guts!  I'm tired of smelling beer every time I walk in the dorm.  I'm tired of waking up at 3:00 a.m. to the throbbing sound of music.  I'm tired of having firecrackers being shot off in our dorm (Georgia) and having the possibility of the loss of hearing.  I'm tired of rules just being words.  If there are going to be rules, then there must be enforcement.  If there is not going to be enforcement of rules, then scrap the rules.  But, let's not have hypocrites.  There must be a clear, defined stand taken by the administration.  Rules or no rules?  Which will it be?  I'll be satisfied either way, but there must be one clear way.
 If the administration doesn't care about their students and just care about their money, then there's nothing more to say.  But, I think they might still care for this school and the type of people they turn out into this world of ours.
 I call on the administration to decide what course to take and stop living in your ivory towers.  Crush apathy before it is too late!

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