Friday, March 14, 2014

Anti-War Letter, 1972

Dear Sisters and Brothers,
 The world will be at war in 1976 in an all-out war in S.E. Asia.  We will need a president, who will get us out with no concern about honor.  The warmongering administration of Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew have created so many war crimes that it rivals the Nazi crimes.  We can't have a representative from the sadistic government in power for 4 more years.  Who could lead us out of this injustice?  George McGovern?  No, he has tried and failed.  Well, who then?  As it stands now, there are two people who could do it:  Dr. Benjamin Spock or Father Philip Berrigan.  We must stop the Republicans, who are turning this country into a country basing the economy on war.  Let's get a government for the people and not for the elite.  Let's get a government that will fight the war on poverty and not the war on Vietnam.  Let's get a government that will police the U.S. and not to police the world.
 Anderson College is a battleground for the movement.  We fight the war, but there is a great organization to keep us from doing anything.  We have fought back.  The following is the text of a letter that I wrote to our school newspaper after the national election.
 "Being the head of the McGovern campaign on campus, I would like to thank all six of the people, who expressed to me that they were for McGovern.  Also, I would especially like to thank the numerous people, who too a part in keeping us from having a voice on campus.  There must have been an organization which had as its only purpose to stop the freedom of speech on campus.  They did this by tearing down signs and by abusing McGovern supporters.  This letter may be interpreted as harsh, and I am intending for it to be just that.  I think that it is tragic when a minority cannot have a voice on our campus.  We, the supporters of McGovern, would like to thank all of the members of this organization for teaching us a lesson that this is not a nation of the free and a home of the brave.  Thanks for nothing.  PEACE!"
 We have an organization of the NPAC at Anderson College.  We are outnumbered 11 to 1.  I have organized a group called the Walter Durst Society for Human Rights.  It is dedicated to the fight for freedom, justice, and the preservation of love.  We are being called Communists, anarchists, militants, and other not-so-nice words.  I guess that we could be called all of these names, because we are fighting to release the bondage of mankind.  We are hoping that the NPAC will recognize us as an organization.  We have publishing rights, and we have music and theatre rights.
 Just because Mr. Nixon has 'stopped' the bombing in North Vietnam, we of the WDSHR and the NPAC have established a dedicated vow to fight against the warmongering state created by Tricky Dick.  Love and Peace!

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