Wednesday, March 19, 2014

PC SGA President Speech, 1974 (never given)

 In 1960, a man from Mass. ran for President of the United States.  He knew that he could get the Northern votes, but he needed to take the Southern votes away from the other presidential candidate, who was from California, so this man from Mass. chose a Southerner as his running-mate.  The election came, and the man from Mass. won.  Everybody in Washington thought that the man's vice-president was a crude person.  He was the talk of the town, and everybody was thankful that this man would never become president.  1000 Days later, in a Texas town, an assassin's bullet snuffed out the life of President Kennedy.  About 2 hours later, the crude man was sworn in as President of the United States.  At his first public speech after becoming President, the awkward Lyndon Johnson stepped off Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base that eventful night, which was a product of that day.  After a brief statement of sympathy to Mrs. Kennedy, he said..."I will do my best.  That is all I can do.  I ask for your help-and God's."
 Thank you very much.

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