Monday, March 17, 2014

Model U.N. Procedures, 1971

Mr. Chairman,
 The delegates from the People's Republic of Albania would like to thank the two million people of Albania for creating the fashions in which the delegates are wearing.  The delegates from Great Britain have people furnish their clothes, so the Albanians should be recognized for their efforts in promoting world peace.

Mr. Chairman,
 The delegates from the People's Republic of Albania, under the auspices of the United Nations Charter, are present.  We are not here to make this session a farce.  We are not here to make a capitalist circus out of this General Assembly.  We are not here to make parliamentary procedural battles on the floor.  We are here for one reason--the reason that we have stood for in previous years, and will continue to support.  That reason is to promote world peace as the charter so states.  We want this session to be a fruitful one with understanding, knowledge, and a will to learn.

Mr. Chairman,
 We would like to meet in caucus with one member of the following countries:  Algeria, Argentina, China, U.S.S.R., all Communist bloc countries, and all Arab countries.  We will meet outside this assembly in 5 minutes.

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