Saturday, March 8, 2014

PC, October 29, 1973

 With Mr. Nixon attempting to control the American people, it has become necessary to bring a few things to the attention of your readers.
 First, if a president tries to control the press, he's a dictator.  Second, if a president tries to control the other branches of government, he's a dictator.  And third, if a president tries to control the minds of his country, he's a dictator.
 It's breathtaking to be at a meeting of the Nixon Youth, otherwise known as the ROTC.  Everyone is doing the same thing, dressed the same way with the exception of hair style, and having no freedom of expression without saying "Sir" in their sentence.  Perhaps ROTC stands for Robots On This Campus.  But, it all goes back to Nixon.
 He won't leave the office of the presidency in three years.  Why?  Because he will declare himself Emperor.  Yes, we'll live in the Empire of America, and just like the Roman Empire, it will fall.
 I was a follower of George McGovern in the 1972 Presidential campaign.  He said that the Nixon government was corrupt.  People laughed and called McGovern a fool.  Now, those that laughed really believe that Nixon is corrupt.  His popularity has decreased to 31%.  In 1972, Nixon carried every state except one.  McGovern was right.  So, you can call me a fool, too.
 The only solution to Nixon is removal from office, while you still have time.  Write your congressman and your senators.  You elected them to serve you, and this could be the biggest decision of your life.  It's time to stop Nixon before he goes too far, and plunges us into World War III as he almost did last week, or before he tears the government up by firing everybody that disagrees with him.  Now is the time to act, before we see the era of concentration camps again.

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