Monday, March 31, 2014

Feeling Good, 1973

Oh, I'm feelin' good today,
My baby done left me,
I got mugged Tuesday,
I got robbed Wednesday,
War rages on day by day,
Well, what can I say?

Oh, I'm feelin' good today,
Brillo pads, Budweiser, and Bromide tablets,
Crisco, Carom boards, and Contac,
Dream Whip, Dynaco, and Datsun,
Esquire, Early Times, and Elizabeth Arden,
Faberge, Foy, and Ford,
Gilbey's, Gillette, and Gordon's,
Helena Rubenstein, Hanes, and Honeywell,
Interplanetary, ITT, and Interesting poem,
Jantzen, Jarman, Johnnie Walker,
Kodak, Kent, Keepsake,
Lark, L&M, and Love,
Max Factor, MG, and Merle Norman,
Newport, Nestea, and Norelco,
Omega, Ole, and Olympus,
Pyrex, Panasonic, Porsche,
Quit while I'm ahead,
Revlon, Record Club of America, Raleigh,
Sears, Shasta, and Seagram's,
Tareyton, TWA, and Toyota,
Usher's, U. S. News and World Report, Uniroyal,
Virginia Slims, Volkswagen, and Vantage,
Woolite, Wrangler, and Winchester,
Yashica, Yes Art, You got to be crazy to have read all this.

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