Monday, March 3, 2014

Anderson College, 1973

 It seems that I just keep finding things that need to be recognized in this school.  Oh no, not another letter from Walter Durst!  Yes, it is true.  In a previous issue of this paper, there was an article about apathy at the school.  I would like to say something more about this subject.  Probably, some people are saying, "I don't want to read this".  That is exactly what I am writing about.  At the last of February and the first of March, we will put on an improbable farce called "Blithe Spirit".  We know the basketball team is doing so good, and that's great.  We also know that everyone is so excited about studying that they won't attend any of the performances.  That's all right with us, but where are you going to be someday, when something is offered to you, and you say that you don't care.  Now, I'm preaching, and I don't mean to be.  I realize that values and opinions of different things vary, but please examine yourself and decide whether you should attend any activity provided by the school, besides sports.

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