Monday, March 10, 2014

PC, 1974

 SEX!  Now that I've got your readers' attention, I must point out that this school is being plagued by a disease that is in epidemic stages.  This disease is called Apathy.  How can it be cured?  You must fight.  Fight what?  Fight the hypocrites.
 Ladies and gentlemen, there are hypocrites running this school.  I'm not talking about the people that enforce the rules, but rather the people who make the rules.  This letter is a call to action to the administration to decide if there will be rules at PC.  I do not mind if we don't have rules, in fact this school would be better if we had no rules, but there must be a decision taken by the administration to have rules or not.
 Also, there must be a decision in regard to the rules for the women students.  Why do we have to live by two sets of rules?  One for the women, and one for the men.  We are all humans.  We are all students.  Why should women students have to live differently than men students?  Things like sign-out cards are out-dated.  Trust must be instituted.  Why does the administration feel that men are more trustworthy than women?  I'm not asking for sign-out cards for men, but I'm just asking to replace the double standard.
 People listen.  The administration must decide on a course to follow.  One course.  If they decide on rules, the rules must apply to all.  No rules should be separated because of sex.  Trust must be established.  The enforcers of the rules are not at fault.  It is the fault of the makers of the rules.
 Presbyterian College should not be made up of apathetic students, but concerned students.  It should not be made up of hypocritical leaders, but gutsy leaders.  It does not matter to me if we have rules or not, but a stand must be made either way.
 If the administration officials failed to read the letter by me in the February 1, 1974 issue of this paper, I suggest you read it.  If a student knows than an official has not seen "The Blue Stocking" of Feb. 1 or this issue, this writer would appreciate it if the student give the official a copy.  Yes, you of the administration are right.  I'm just an individual that doesn't matter much, so just write me off as a revolting person and forget about my plea for you taking a stand, one way or the other.  But, I'll continue to speak up until there is a decision made.

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