Saturday, March 15, 2014

PC SGA President Speech, 1974

 A movie made in Clemson and Anderson is playing in the State now.  It's called "The Midnight Man".  Perhaps, some of you have seen it.  If you see it, you may see me in it.  I enjoyed being in it, and have seen it twice, already.  Once being at the world premiere in Greenville.  It was a nice experience.  After seeing it though, I thought it over, and decided the movie could have been much better.  If more right things had been done, it would have been a much better experience for all who see it.  That made me think of PC.  Being here is an experience--but it can be better if all of us work together to make it so.  Life is full of experiences, and we can make a better life, if we try.
 On NBC News last week, Frank Blair reported that one large city had elected a 12-year old boy to the Board of Trustees for a Zoo.  After all, they said, who knows more about Zoos than a 12-year old?  To apply this to PC--who knows more about the needs of students than we who are students?  I would like to represent you on the SGA so as to bring your wishes to the attention of the Administration.
 I regret the necessity of holding this second election, but the votes of confidence given Howard Bellew show that his ideas will be valuable, and I would certainly include those ideas in any plans that I made.
 We've been through some rough times on this campus recently, but we can survive them.  We can all learn from them-how to make our school a better one, a happier growing experience for each of us.  We should be able to remember the happier times at PC, than thinking back to the scandals.
 During the last election, I ran third, and three just happens to be my lucky number, so maybe, my luck will keep going.  Just to show how my luck has gone this past week:  I thought my political career was over, and now here we are again.  Secondly, I was part of the three-month shooting of "The Midnight Man", and I was fortunate enough to be in the final 2-hour edited product, known as the movie.  So, 2 good things have happened to me this week, maybe I'll be able to add a 3rd one to the list, with your help.  Good things come in threes.
 My position still stands in regard to rules, apathy, concern, caring, and administrative pressures, with the same hard-line stand that I've been known to take, by some people at this school.
 From what I understand, I'm the first transfer student to get this far in elections.  I've been here for almost a year.  Some people think that I'm not qualified, because I haven't been here for all 3 to 4 years.  To me, this argument doesn't hold up, since a concerned student can see problems at PC within a week.
 I now just close the same way I closed the last time--with a quote from a man, who is now a preacher in Iva, S. C.--
 Thank you very much.

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