Tuesday, March 4, 2014

AC, 1972

 Some people, who will remain unknown, have asked me to write this letter.  They called it to my attention, and frankly I was shocked.  The subject concerns the baseball team.  These people told me that the baseball team is being discriminated against by the athletic department.  Since basketball is king at A.C., the baseball team has been put in the background.  The attendance to these games is appalling.  A team cannot win, unless they've got some fans to back them.  Since Coach Wiles is head of the athletic department, why doesn't he come to the baseball games?  Since the baseball team is supposed to be the best in the conference, as we've been told, why then does Anderson College not pack the bleachers like they do at the basketball games?  Why is the athletic department split into two divisions.  One is the elite, which consists of the basketball team, the tennis team, and the golf team.  The other side is the common side, which consists of just the baseball team.  Most of these people are playing without scholarship.  Why does "The Anderson Independent" not cover the baseball games like they did with the basketball games?  These questions, and many more, must be answered, and we must realize this discrimination.  A change must be made.

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