Saturday, March 22, 2014

The End of the Moon, 1971

Characters:  Alabamian, Mick, The Announcer

Scene I--The stage is totally light for 30 minutes.  A green spotlight appears on a 3-legged dog.  The dog is sleeping and is bald.

Announcer.       I often wonder just how the moon might end or when it will happen.  Here is the
                          story  of the end of the moon, and how a dog, that was crippled, could bring it to
                          an end.  We shudder when we realize that the moon will eventually collide with
                          Earth.  Let's suppose that the moon is heading for the Earth.

Scene II--The green spotlight on the 3-legged dog fades.  The stage is filled with dark lights--like
night.  There are a lot of trees and stars.

Alabamian.       Yes!  Yes!  Yes!  That's it, I won't tell you!

Mick.                What?  Of course it isn't--I know I'm wrong.  That isn't it.

Alabamian.       All wrong!  But I'll be the life of me, you dumb fool!

Mick.                Poo!  You know everything.  You even know what one plus one is.  You're so smart.

Alabamian.       Call me smart?  You're so right.

Mick.                Keep talking, I love to hear you talk.
                         (Mick looks up into the sky)

Mick.               Look at the sky.  Is that the moon?  It sure is big tonight.  Boo Hoo Hoo!  It's
                        going to hit us.  Well, Alabamian, this is it.

                        (The Alabamian is screaming)

Mick.              Close your eyes, I want an answer to your question.

Alabamian.     (loud voice)  Mick!

Mick.              What?!

Alabamian.     Mick, you're right.  Look at the sky.

Mick.              Oh yes!

Alabamian.     Mick, it's the 3-legged dog's fault.

Mick.              You're right, Alabamian.  You're right.

                        (All is dark when the moon hits!  All is light.)

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