Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Greenville, 1973

 On Feb. 15 in your paper, a letter was published and was authored by me.  On Feb. 22, two letters appeared in response to my letter.  I have gotten responses from many people in regard to it.  May I use your paper to respond to these people and others, who have not written?
 One gentleman said that I was non-Christian, because I was for peace and wanted to change the world.  Let me say to all the people that believe this, that I am most definitely a Christian and always will be.
 A lady called me a Communist, because I'm a member of several "peace groups".  I have been called a Communist before, but that is a misconception.  Anybody who opposes the war and the policies of the government to a certain extent, is automatically a Communist in most peoples' minds.  That's the problem in today's society.  People generalize too much.  If people were educated in the workings of Communism, they would not need to call everyone, under the sun, a Communist.
 Another gentleman facetiously spoke of me being better than Mr. Nixon and Dr. Kissinger.  My organization, which is the National Peace Action Coalition, actually stirred public opinion so that the president and his advisor had to stop the killing.
 These three examples are typical of the response.  We, of the NPAC, are trying to bring a peace that can be lasting and not just for a generation.  The non-Christian attack says that, when Christ comes again, will be when peace will come.  Bit, one of the duties of a Christian is to better himself and his world.
 The Vietnam War is not over.  It will not be over until people stop fighting and start to love one another.  Let's start in this paper's circulation area.  If everyone that reads this would smile and have love in your heart, we could go out and multiply this happiness thousands over.  Greenville and the surrounding areas would be seen by the world as a giant step toward peace.  Try it; you'll like it.  PEACE!

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