Sunday, March 2, 2014

Another PC Letter, 1974

 Within the last few weeks, I've become increasingly appalled by the laxity of rules at PC.  First, may I say that I am not a red-neck nor am I a conservative, but rather just a concerned student.  I am attacking myself as well as others on this campus.  My source for these attacks is The Knapsack, which I suppose is the ideal of this school.
 In The Knapsack, there are "Standards of Conduct" on page 19.  First, "Students shall meet the standards of gentlemanly and ladylike conduct at all times".  It sure is hard to see this rule carried out.  Second, "The College prohibits gambling in any form".  How many people do you know uphold this rule?  There's the "Quiet for Study" ideal on page 21.  How many times have you had a problem of getting to sleep, because someone was a little inconsiderate.  Read the "Quiet for Study" part and get a big laugh.  The "Rule on Alcoholic Beverages" is a big joke.  Anybody who has alcohol anywhere on campus, except at Douglas House, Frat houses, or at dances in Greenville Hall, "is in violation of the rules of the College."  Funny, isn't it?  "Students guilty of possession or use of illegal drugs will be suspended or expelled from Presbyterian College."  How many have been expelled?
 There are just a few things that should be remembered.  People say that this is just an individual's problem but it is also the problem of the PC community.  They say that this is just the problems of a few, but the number is growing.  If a stranger came to PC, and didn't know that the Presbyterians supported the school, he couldn't tell whether this school was a state-supported school or not.  I think it's time to examine ourselves and decide whether PC should abandon the role of the church, so that these rules will never be enforced.  Or, should PC remain Presbyterian and make it a better place to go to school?  State-supported schools are a lot more together than this place, and we must decide very soon.

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