Sunday, March 16, 2014

PC Student Assembly Speech, 1974

 I am totally opposed to this resolution, because of the following reasons:
 First, in the second whereas clause, it uses the words "many members of the Student Body" and then later in the resolution it says "best interest on the Student Body".  Now, we need to know exactly how many members of the Student Body are we actually talking about.  In order for this resolution to be in the best interest of the Student Body, a substantial number of people in the Student Body should be in favor of this resolution.  I do not see any numbers.  We in the Student Assembly may be representative of the student groups on this campus, but I would rather not decide for everyone on this campus.  The words "many members" is just too vague.
 Second, this resolution calls for a student body vote to elect an S.E.C. chairman.  I fail to see what that will prove.  What wrong with the way we're doing it now?  If we elect the chairman by the student body, I'm afraid that a block vote will result.  What is a block vote?  Look at the recent elections for "Blue Stocking" editor and the Student Council offices.  That's called block voting.  How do we know that the fraternities or some other power block will put their pawn in as S.E.C. chairman, and who will respond to that particular group's wishes over the "Best Interest" of the student body?
 Third, the reason that the S.E.C. is not as "efficient, effective, and active" as this resolution implies is that the S.E.C. budget is constantly being cut.  This year, the budget was cut in half from what it was last year.  They can't be active if the Board of Trustees and the Administration keeps cutting back on their funds.  No new S.E.C. chairman elected by the students, nor those 10 voting superhero members, are going to be able to get a decent budget for the S.E.C.
 It is for these reasons that I ask that this Student Assembly do something right for a change and defeat this resolution, because if we let it pass, then the vague number of people on this campus will once again control another segment of the student hierarchy.

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