Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Fisherman, 1982

One man sitting on the edge of the stage or can have a small stool just off the floor.  He pantomimes fishing using a rod and reel.  He enters and sits stage right.  He speaks as if to talk to a couple of other fishermen.  He's wearing jeans and an old shirt with a cap.

Hey everybody.  Anything biting today?  Yeah I see you got a few.  Watcha using for bait?  Really?  I usually use this purple wrangler.  Maybe it will bring me good luck.  Hey, did you see that game last night?  (refer to any team or sport, depending on the season)  Yeah, I thought they were supposed to be good this year, but they stunk.  And what about (name another two teams)?  Yeah, that was a good game.  Did anyone hear how Nazareth did?  They lost again?  Good.  Ain't nothing good ever come out of Nazareth.  (pause)  What news?  (pause)  Oh yeah, I heard about that Jesus guy.  He's from Nazareth, so you know he's no good.  So, what about him?  He took who?  Pete?  Jimmy and Johnny?  Who else?  Nate and Matt?  Oh man.  Why did they want to go do that?  Are they crazy?  Who else went with this guy?  Tommy?  I can't believe it.  You have to tell Tommy over and over again about something before he'll believe you.  What about Andy?  Him too?  Oh, there's going to be trouble when his mother finds out about that.  (pause, looks up)  Hey, look who's coming.  It's the guys and that Jesus dude with them.  Now, you guys let me handle this.  (stands up)  Hey Pete, Jimmy, Johnny--how you guys doing?  (pause)  Yeah I heard.  Andy, when your mother hears about this, she's going to tan your hide.  (then calls to Jesus)  Hey Jesus, come over here.  Listen man, you're taking away all of my fishin' buddies.  Now, I can understand Nate.  He'll follow anybody.  But, Pete and Jimmy and Johnny.  And little Andy.  If he goes, who's going to take care of their family?  You are just...(pause)  Wait a minute.  How do you know my name?  We've never met.  (pause)  How did you know what I was doing two weeks ago?  You weren't there.  (pause)  How do you know what I... (starts to tremble and falls to his knees and begins to cry)  My Lord and My God.  Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it.  (blackout)

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