Monday, February 24, 2014

Not Bitter, 2009

 Anybody who knows me may find this statement to be a lie, but here goes anyway.  I'm not bitter.  I'm not bitter about my living situation.  I'm not bitter about my lack of finances.  I'm not bitter about not having a job.  I'm not bitter about my lack of a love life.  I'm not bitter about my lot in life.  It is just the cards we are dealt.  Some are dealt four of a kind.  Others have a full-house.  Still others have a straight or three of a kind.  I have been dealt a pair of deuces.  Now, if deuces were wild, I might be able to do something with them, but if we are playing nothing is wild, then my pair may not take the pot.  I've seen a pair of deuces win it all, but it is very rare.  So, I figure there is an outside chance that I could take the pot, if you believe.  I used to be bitter about many things--family, churches, friends, and life in general.  I was dwelling on "Why me?"  But now, I have released all of that to God, and I know that He will get me through this and take me to where I need to go.  Proverbs 3:5-6.  Look it up.

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