Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Chattahoochee 2, 2009

 I was in a movie with Gary Oldman and Dennis Hopper called "Chattahoochee".  It was the true story of a Korean War veteran who couldn't cope with the world around him.  They put him in a mental hospital which was famous for its inhumanity.  I played Looney #4 and was in ten scenes.  I would have been in more, but the two of my best scenes were cut out.
 There are a lot of similarities between my living conditions now and that movie.  Thankfully, the physical abuse and the inhumane conditions are not similar, but many of the people staying there are similar.  In fact, Central Casting would have a field day with most of the people there.  For example, there's this guy who walks around all day with his head cocked at an angle.  Or, the guy who doesn't speak and stands right next to you invading your personal space.  Or, the guy who stands in the corner staring off into space.  Beards prevail.  I shave, but most don't.  Some guys talk to themselves.  Others have anger management problems.  Still others drink all the time.  I can't judge these people, but it also is kind of upsetting seeing it.
 So, if you guys want to make a sequel to the movie, come back to Columbia.  We have the actors.

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