Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Peter, 1982

A bare stage.  One chair in the middle.  Peter is sitting in the chair.  Needs a revolver with a spinning chamber for bullets, but isn't loaded.

(screams)  Why!!  Why did I do it?  You said I would, but NOOOOOOOOOOO!  I thought you were crazy.  You said that I would tell them I didn't know you.  But, I knew I was going to be strong.  I was going to be strong for you.  You remember?  The Three Musketeers?  The Three Stooges?  Me, James and John?  (motion off to side)  With you thick and thin?  The ones you could always count on?

Why!!  Why did I do it?  Not once but THREE times!  Did I just seem invincible around you?  After all, you are the Son of God.  The Messiah.  The Prince of Peace.  And, I was your right hand man.  You picked me to defend you.  You could have turned those soldiers into mice, but you let them take you.  Did you see?  I tried to stop them, but you told me to back off, and you healed that man.

Why!!  Why did I do it?  My life is over.  How can I face the others?  (pulls out a gun.  It isn't loaded.  He begins to play Russian Roulette)  Let's spin it.  Put me out of my misery.  (click)  Oh, come on Jesus.  I let you down.  Let's spin it... (click)  Do I have to do this three times as WELL?  Let's spin it (click)

(pause)  Who's there?  My Lord.  My God.  I'm so sorry!  (crying)  No, it is not all right.  Why did you pick me in the first place?  WHY!!  (pause)  You don't love me.  Do you?  But, I said I didn't know you.  You weren't my friend.  (pause)  You are?  You can't love me.  Can you?  (pause)  No matter what?

WHY!!  (falls on the floor in a heap, crying)

(fade to black)

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