Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Saul Monologue, 1981

 Hi, How are you doing?  My name is Saul.  Nice to see you.  Hey, where are you going?  Oh, a stoning!  Okay, I'll hold your coat for you.  Hey, that rock looks pretty good for stoning.  Yeah get him!  (hands over ears and close eyes)

 (approach audience)  Hey, did you know that guy Stephen?  Are you a follower of Jesus?  How about you?  You?

 (go to podium)  Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm here to tell you that there is nothing worse than a follower of Jesus.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I'm not against Jews, because I am one myself, and I have been brought up in the synagogue and have been taught by the geniuses of our time, so I know where of I speak.
 The law of Moses is the law of the people--not whatever Jesus said.  And that's why I saw that (hold up sign) "Pharisees know the truth!"  I will kill anyone who will not believe that.  You remember the stoning of Stephen?  He was a quack, just like Jesus was.  And you know something else?  Jesus was a hypocrite.  He said that "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."  Well, I know the truth and that's not to follow Jesus.  The Mosaic law is the law--not the law of Jesus.

 (approach audience) Now, are you going to forget Jesus?  All right, you asked for it--

 (fall down, shield eyes)  Who are you, Lord?

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