Sunday, February 23, 2014

Have Fun, 2009

 Two words that I use frequently as a substitute for goodbye.  "Have Fun".  I have a lot of friends that are having fun today and tonight.  It may be fleeting, but they will feel good anyway.  I have forgotten how to have fun.  No one to have fun with.  When I tell someone to have fun, it is a form of giving.  But, when I need someone to give to me, fun or otherwise, no one does.  Too many excuses.  I have told some to have fun, and they look a little surprised, because they are not sure what I mean, but then a smile comes on their face as if they think of a way to have fun.  So, I made someone smile and have a briefly better day.  In that vein, have fun and have some fun for me, too.

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