Saturday, February 15, 2014

Hosea, 1979

Two men.  One in his early 30's and one in his early 60's.  Both are wearing modern clothes like you would wear to church.  When one actor is speaking, the other actor has his back turned to the audience.  The stage is bare, although a stool could be used for the older man just to add some variety.

Old Hosea:  (looks around)  Hello, my name is Hosea, and I want to tell you that I live in the most
                    beautiful country in all the world--Israel.  Of course, it wasn't always like that.  There
                    was sin.  There was sin all over the place.  Why, you couldn't even walk down the street
                    without seeing somebody sinning.

Young Hosea:  (points out into the audience)  SINNER!!  Yes, you.  In the temple!  What IS this
                         world coming too?  (pause, looks around as if he heard something)  What?  Who
                         called me?  (sees somebody in the audience and points)  Was it you?  No?  (goes
                         to other side and points to another audience person)  Oh, so it was you.  (pause)
                         Oh yes, Lord?  (pause)  You want me to marry?  Well, okay.  Who? (pause and
                         then mad)  One of them!  You can't be serious.  I can't marry one of them.  (pause)
                         Okay, Okay.  Don't send any lightning bolts!  I'll do it.  Uh, say Lord--What's her
                         name?  (insert 3 popular young pop stars and build to each name until excited at
                         the last name)  (then disappointed to hear)  Gomer!  What kind of name is that? 
                         Gomer.  She probably has a face that would stop a clock.  Hey God, is she the
                         one that I hear howling at the moon at night?  (laughs)  Gomer, Gomer...

Old Hosea:  (reflecting)  Gomer.  She was pretty and we had 3 beautiful children.  2 boys and a
                    girl.  And the Lord told us what to name them.  I wanted to name them Billy, Betsy
                    and Bobby, but the Lord said no.  He said the names had to reflect the sins of Israel.
                    I got some pictures here.  You want to see them?  (looks for pictures but can't find
                    them)  No, I guess not.  Well, anyway we had a good time.  Me, Gomer and the kids.
                    Until one day she left me.  She left me with the kids and went on back to her friends.
                    And I got to tell you it hurt.  It hurt a lot.

Young Hosea:  Lord, I miss her.  (pause)  Take her back?  I can't take her back.  She's back with
                         the sinners, Lord.  (pause)  Yes Lord I love her.  More than anything in this world.
                         (pause)  Even as I love my wife, you love Israel in spite of her sin.

Old Hosea:  And, you know something?  The Lord was right.

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