Friday, February 21, 2014

More Homeless Observations, 2009

 Having never done LSD (as far as you know), I wouldn't know about flashbacks (as far as you know).  I might have read about them in a book.  So, a friend today invited me to the soup kitchen for lunch, and I went.  After we sat down to eat, a woman stood up and started "singing" gospel music.  It might have been good if she could sing or knew the words, but she didn't do either.  She yelled it at a high pitched wail.  Doesn't everyone know the first verse of "Amazing Grace"?  "Wretch like me" rhymes with "blind but now I see".  Ya think?  She made up her own words that didn't rhyme.  Then, she made another mistake by inviting another woman to sing harmony with her.  Since she didn't know the words, the one singing harmony couldn't do that either.  When we got outside, I asked my friend if that really happened, or did I dream it?  He said it was real, so no acid flashback.  This time.  (as far as you know)
 I have been in the public library and seen people sleeping.  I've had mixed emotions about it from disgust to pity.  But, now that I am homeless, it has struck me, too.  Falling asleep at the library.  Their chairs are too comfy.  So, it is their fault.  And, I also blame it on losing sleep at the shelter.  In a perfect world, I could get around 9 hours of sleep on a perfect night, but that won't happen as long as those guys insist on being loud, and nothing is done about it.  The library doesn't like you sleeping in there.  I don't blame them, but there just isn't anywhere I can go to take a nap.  Oh well.

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