Thursday, February 20, 2014

Homeless Observations, 2009

 When one enters the homeless shelter, you have to sign a paper saying you are a professing Christian.  So, there is a lot of profanity in there.  You are told if you use profanity in there, it is grounds for dismissal.  At 4:10am this morning, some guys in the sleep room decided to wake everyone else up to have a conversation.  Wake up time is 5:30am.  When one told them to be quiet, they mocked him.  So, when others complained to the managers, nothing was done.  Kind of makes you wonder what kind of Christianity some people profess.  I went to seminary.  A lot of Sunday School classes.  And I just don't remember the Bible talking that it is a quality of Christians to be rude and crude.  Maybe, it is a different version.
 Being in the homeless shelter, there are some things I truly miss.  Things that most people take for granted.  For example, there is no TV.  I miss the nightly news.  My favorite show is NCIS.  It has started with new episodes, but I can't see them right now.  Not even online, because we can't have laptops either.  And, I can't watch the shows on the computers in the library, because I need headphones.  Another thing I miss is music.  No radios.  I have to sit outside of a coffee shop, when they play the oldies radio station.  And probably the biggest thing I miss is a hot bath.  I'm talking about a tub, where I can soak.  A tub bath is great, because you can soak and think about your upcoming day, or just ponder the problems of the world.  I have heard stories of people in the shelter going to the hospital just so they can have a decent bed and bath, plus TV.  It might be something to think about.  Meanwhile, if you'll let me have a decent bath, I would appreciate it, just for a couple of hours.
 I need to run away.  Not far away.  Just far enough where no one can find me.  So, how am I?  Well, I have $5 in the bank.  I have $130 in bills.  I have no job.  I'm living in a homeless shelter for now.  I don't have any family who will help me.  Nor, any friends.  My emotional state is very fragile.  But, other than that?  Everything is great.  Oh yeah, no car either.  So, no car insurance.  But, other than that?  Everything is great.  For years, I have asked people to help me.  A few have said yes, but the majority would say no.  I don't really know why.  Some tend to think I am a bum or a lazy fool.  Whatever the case may be, all I ask is someone to believe in me.  Is that too much to ask?

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