Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Captain Soul Strikes Back, 1971

 The lights were flashing.  A loud, whining noise was making the man irritable.  The man was fat, short, and wore thin-rimmed glasses.  His machine was about as big as a barn.  It was a tunnel with a movie screen at the end of the tunnel.  On the movie screen was a picture of Genghis Khan with his Mongol Horde.  The man was making final preparations to be transported through time to the time of his choice.  The machine was a time machine.  The man was Thomas Geddisberg, the evil scientist.  Dr. Geddisberg's previous inventions have included:  a wind tunnel, an airplane, a tornado, an electric can opener, and a baby bib.  He had a hideaway in the tiny island of Manhattan.  No one knew where his hideout was, except for the entire Italian population of New York (they would never tell).
 Z's office was being renovated as a result of urban renewal.  They had moved from their elevator to the broom closet.  S.O.U.L. was on a limited budget.  Z was worried, because they might have to stay in the broom closet instead of going back to the elevator.  Z asked his secretary, Miss Tenderness, to bring in the file on the expenditures of S.O.U.L.  Z saw that Captain Soul had spent more money than any other superhero.  He called in Captain Soul to his office.  Z said, "Well Captain Soul, I see that you are a very expensive agent."  Captain Soul said, "It's not me, it's Samson.  He is buying too mank turtleneck sweaters."  "I've got a case for you", said Z.  "I hope it's tasty", retorted Captain Soul.  Z said, "I've decided that you need an assistant, besides Samson, for your adventures.  I'm giving you the most famous detective of all time."  "But Z, I'm already working for myself", said Captain Soul.  "It's not you, it's Charlie Chanese", said Z.  Z told Captain Soul about Dr. Geddisberg's invention.  Captain Soul was amazed by the fact that Dr. Geddisberg invented the baby bib.  Samson waddled into the broom closet and made it very crowded.  Z told Captain Soul, "Not only is Dr. Geddisberg a fat slob, but he is also a born loser."
 So, Captain Soul, Samson the Chicken, and Charlie Chanese set out to find that evil fiend, Dr. Geddisberg.  They searched high and low, and they were about to give up when they heard a noise.  It was a loud, whining noise.  They found out that the sound was coming from an abandoned barn in downtown Manhattan.  Captain Soul told Sanson and Charlie to wait outside.  He went into the barn and had to put on his super earplugs, because the noise was too great.  When Dr. Geddisberg saw Captain Soul, he became afraid and ran toward the time tunnel.  Captain Soul followed him into the tunnel.  They jumped through together and landed in the Civil War.  The Union army saw this black guy with pink tights and they started laughing uncontrollably.  The Confederate army was going to capture the Union army, but they were too busy laughing, too.  Dr. Geddisberg started laughing, too.  Captain Soul took Dr. Geddisberg into custody, and they stepped back into the time tunnel.  Charlie Chanese said, "Ah, so.  This is peachy keen."  Samson chirped.  Captain Soul to Dr. Geddisberg off to jail.  Everything was great after this, except for a slight defect.  Charlie Chanese was Italian.  (But the Italians would never tell.)

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