Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Captain Soul Captured?, 1971

 Captain Soul had stopped off in Washington, D.C. for a convention of superheroes.  The convention was going to have superheroes from all over the world.  Captain Soul was going to be the main speaker.  The unfortunate thing was that no one knew where the meeting was going to be, because it was a secret meeting.  When the superheroes came to Washington, most of them flew in but not on planes.  Being a superhero has one advantage, you don't have to pay for a round-trip ticket.
 In the building that was being used for the convention, the third floor men's washroom was the site of the secret meeting.  Captain Soul brought his new weapon, the mashed potato gun.  Z asked Captain Soul to stand outside the building, which was the Capitol, and watch for his superhero friends.  While he was standing out there, an army cadet saw him.  When the cadet noticed his pink tights and the letters "C/S" on his chest, he thought that this black guy was crazy.  The cadet's name was Scott Michaelson.  He said, "Hey boy!  You are in a heap of trouble!"  Before Captain Soul knew it, the cadet had given Captain Soul a karate chop, and he was knocked out.  Since Michaelson thought that Captain Soul was crazy, he brought him to the Pentagon Sanitarium for treatment.  The head of the hospital was General Westy Williamson, a retired army major.  After a week, Z realized that Captain Soul was missing.  He went outside the washroom, and when he didn't see Captain Soul, he called Samson the Chicken.
 Meanwhile, in the sanitarium, General Williamson told Cadet Michaelson, "The R.O.T.C. will be proud of you."  Captain Soul was pondering how to escape from the clutches of the evil General Williamson.  He got an idea.  The mashed potato gun!  It was very small, but it contained concentrated mash potatoes.  He took it out of his pocket and pointed it at Cadet Michaelson.  With one squeeze of the trigger, mashed potatoes shot into the cadet's mouth.  While he was coughing, Captain Soul tried to escape, but General Williamson caught up with him.  Everything seemed hopeless, when out of nowhere there appeared Samson the Chicken!  He had lost his balance while flying, and he fell through the roof of the Pentagon Sanitarium.  He fell on General Williamson.  Captain Soul escaped.  When Captain Soul asked Z how he knew where he was, Z replied, "A little old lady from Pasadena informed us of your capture."  "I'll buy a car from her someday", said Captain Soul.  Samson chirped.  That wouldn't be feasible, since Captain Soul already had transportation--Samson.

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