Monday, December 2, 2013

Captain Soul and "The Grease Machine", 1970

 It was a cold, dark day.  The world was blanketed by chicken grease.  Captain Soul was flying on the back of Samson the Chicken.  Samson got stuck in the grease, and he froze.  Captain Soul said, "Who is responsible for this?"  Little did he know that the man responsible for this was Derek Stevenson.  He had made a machine to spread grease all over the world.  He said, "No one will know that I am doing this."
 Meanwhile, word had gotten to Z that Samson was incapacitated.  Captain Soul walked into S.O.U.L. headquarters and said, "Golly gosh Z, Samson is greasy!"  Z said, "So what else is new?"  Samson had been captured by the Kentucky Major to use in this next batch of "Lip-lickin' Chickin".  An informer for S.O.U.L. and a worker at Kentucky Major called S.O.U.L. headquarters.  He said, "Samson's been captured by the Kentucky Major."  "So what", said Captain Soul, "You can't cook a 7'3" chicken."
 Since Samson was incapacitated, Captain Soul set out to find who put grease on the world.  He searched high and low.  He was just about to give up, when he saw the Kentucky Major hauling Samson in his truck.  Captain Soul said, "Wait, you've got Samson!"  "So what else is new?" said the Kentucky Major.  Captain Soul said, "Samson is my friend."  The Major said, "With a friend like him, who needs enemies?"  The Major was so touched about the feelings of Captain Soul, that he let Samson go.  Captain Soul said, "Thank you Major, do you know who put grease over the world?"  The Major said, "Maybe I do, and maybe I don't.  How much is it worth to you?"  Captain Soul said, "Okay, I'll patronize your chicken places."  The Major said, "Okay, the man that is covering the world with grease is, the greasy man himself, Derek Stevenson."  "Thanks, thanks a lot", said Captain Soul.
 Captain Soul called Z, and he said, "Z, we found out who is spreading grease over the world."  Z said, "I knew you would."  Derek Stevenson was, at that moment, plugging in his new invention.  It was a dirt machine.  It spread dirt and dust all over everything.  Unfortunately, Samson suffered from hay fever.  When the dust hit his nose, he started to sneeze.  Z asked Captain Soul, "What is wrong?"  Captain Soul said, "It must be Derek Stevenson."  The closer that Samson got to Stevenson's hideout; the more he would sneeze.  They reached the hideout, which happened to be the Kentucky Major's house.  Was Derek Stevenson the Kentucky Major?  Was the Kentucky Major Derek Stevenson?  The answer was sure to come out.
 Captain Soul snuck into the house, but Samson weighed so much, that he caused an earthquake while trying to sneak in.  The Kentucky Major felt this catastrophe, and he thought the world was coming to an end.  Captain Soul burst into the house.  He saw the Kentucky Major and asked for Derek Stevenson.  The Kentucky Major said, "Oh, you must mean my butler."  "Your butler?", asked Captain Soul.  "Yes, Derek", said the Kentucky Major.  Derek Stevenson came into the room and saw Samson the Chicken.  Samson got mad and jumped up and down.  A chandelier fell on Derek Stevenson and knocked him out.  Captain Soul took Derek Stevenson off to jail.  The Kentucky Major gave Samson a life-time membership to his chicken places.  When Z saw Captain Soul after his adventure, he told him, "You did a good job!"  Captain Soul replied, "So what else is new?"

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