Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Going, 1990

I came down to see you,
Because you make me smile,
But you weren't there to meet me,
After I drove those many miles.

The tears rolled down my face,
'Cause I knew that you were gone,
I wanted you to be there,
So I thought I'd write this song.

We had good times together,
You always made me laugh,
But all those great feelings
Are tearing me in half.

I hate to see you leave,
'Cause we make a great team,
You never said you're sorry,
I guess you're not what you seemed.

Goodbye my love,
And for all the times
I say Thanks,
And goodbye my love.

I'm going back home now,
I hate to see you go,
I won't be back to see you,
And I will miss you so.

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