Friday, November 1, 2013

Untitled, 1974


And the reason is unclear why I
would switch fingers through the
years or maybe it's just my nature.
At first, two fingers meant peace,
and then, one finger meant Love,
and then, no fingers--clinched in a fist
meant power, but now there is one
finger placed in the middle that
means contempt.  And you said,
"You want to love but your heart
is filled with hate".


And the reason is unclear why I
would be lonely but I am.  I fantasize
loves and life to where I don't
know what is real and what is not.
There is no love in my life because no
one will love me, but my love continues
to exist.  Once it reached out and
caught someone but she flew away.
And two years of loneliness has resulted.


And Homecoming, 1974 was a
prime example of unhappiness.
People with People; Persons
with Persons; and me with
me.  A concert and people
together.  People getting drunk.
A big barbecue and people eating
together.  People getting drunk. A
football game and people getting
excited together.  People getting drunk.
A dance that night and people being
together.  People getting drunk.  And
I watched T. V.


And maybe it's a lack of courage.
And maybe it's a mass of inferiority.
Whatever it is, I die each day
without Love or my Love, whoever it
is.  Maybe it's me.  Don't take
pity.  Let me be, but PLEASE someone
ask me what is wrong, because I
must tell someone, or I'll revert back to 1969.

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