Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Blue "B"

 We all know the story of the first Thanksgiving between the Puritans and the Indians.  Most of us know the story of the Scarlett Letter, which we should have read in high school.  But, did you know that there was another letter that the Puritans used besides the letter "A"?  It was The Blue "B".  Nobody knew what the "B" stood for, but they had it.
 One day, the Indians came to visit from their new home in Cleveland.  Chief Waccamaw saw hundreds of people wearing blue B's on their clothes.  He asked Captain White what these letters meant.  He said that nobody had asked him that question before.  He went to their spiritual leader, Father Macy, to see if he knew the background of this letter.  Father Macy told J. B. to ask Private Tapp, because he knew about such things.  Private Tapp said that his next door neighbor, Louis Rich, made B's for people and probably knew.  So, the Chief and the Captain went over to Rich's house and there were blue B's all over the place.  Upon investigation, they found out that the blue B's were contracted by a man for people all over the Southeast.
 The mystery of the blue B continued for years.  People for hundreds of miles had these letters.  Every Thanksgiving, the Puritans would sit down with the Indians and talk about nothing but football and blue B's.  Finally, a stranger came to camp.  Women swooned when they saw him.  Men were envious of him.  He wore a solid blue outfit, and introduced himself as--you guessed it--General Belk.  The rest is history.

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