Friday, November 22, 2013

Born in FBC, 1984

I came to this church when I was five,
I looked inside and knew I'd arrived,
The first thing I did was see the light,
And the preacher spoke on what's wrong and right.

Born in FBC, I was born in FBC, I was born in FBC,
I'm a real strange guy in FBC.

I went to church for Sunday School,
The teachers I had were really cool,
I sang in the choir 'cause the girls were cute,
Though some of the guys wished I was mute.

Born in FBC, I was born in FBC, I was born in FBC,
I'm a real strange guy in FBC.

I've grown up--they say I have changed,
All I know is that I'm still strange,
The time has come for me to close,
But I love this church from my head to my toes.

'Cause I was born in FBC, Born in FBC, Born in FBC,
I'm a real strange guy in FBC.

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