Monday, November 18, 2013

Blind, 1973

Sometimes we see, but
 do not feel, because
  the fortunes of time
   do not require it.

I always wish that
 my time was such
  that I could feel
   but all I do is see.

To see is to observe
 life as it is or how
  you want it to be, but
   to feel is to love.

I love to see, to touch,
 to love, but for me,
  I only

Whether I see, because
 I want to see, or whether
  I see, because there is
   no other, I don't know.

All I know is what
 I see, and how I
  wish that seeing
   was all there was to life.

May we only see and not feel,
Because feeling is only to be wished
and not felt.  Amen.

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