Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Awful Experience, 1970

I saw something today that I'll never forget,
The incident that I'll always regret,
It was one of the worst things I've ever seen,
The accident was rough and mean.

The thing that happened was a wreck,
I hope the woman doesn't have a whiplashed neck,
A big car rammed into a little car,
And it knocked the car door ajar.

The window in the car crumbled and broke,
This wreck was no joke,
The woman in the car was hurt very bad,
This made the other driver very sad.

I hope and pray,
That the woman is okay,
She has glass in her face,
From that fateful place.

They towed the car away,
The other driver will have to pay
For the damages that were done,
But the damages to the other were none.

What happened here was a running of a light,
It may take away the woman's sight,
Why can't people, just take care?
Instead of taking that dare.

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