Who?--Walter Durst
When?--Specific Times
Where?--Many Places
How?--The question is Why? and How? is Walter Durst a question of Normality. The answer can be many things. 1. Football games, 2. Acne and Face, 3. Anatomy, 4. Mental capabilities, and 5. Habits.
1. Football games--a normal person yells till hoarse in a football game.
2. Acne and Face--a normal person can lick this problem.
3. Anatomy--a normal person has Regular clothes.
4. Mental capabilities--a normal person acts his age.
5. Habits--a normal person goes along with trends.
Walter Durst does not yell until hoarse at football games. He is not easily excited. All of the medication, the doctor's appointments, and the parental guidance does not cure this problem. His thinness makes all of his clothes to be altered, this is a complete bore. He still plays with toys and follows some acts of a 6 year old. On the other hand, he acts in some ways as older than 15. He lives in imagination. He still bites his fingernails. A nervous case is Walter Durst. He worries about little things. He is afraid of many people. He pretends to be somebody he isn't. He has played as a policeman, a detective, and a secret agent. Isn't this a little old for 15 yrs. old. He tries to be likeable, but he has more enemies than friends. He is a loner. He is happy as an individualist. He is happy as a person who likes to be by himself. He still rides a bike. He has friends who drive cars but he is afraid.
It is deep to understand. He wants to be independent, to have his own ideas, to be a person not a puppet.
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