Saturday, August 30, 2014

November 22, 1963, 1975

Twelve years ago, but
 does it seem that long?
Well, anyway, twelve years
 ago, but so much has changed!

Twelve years ago, on
 a cold but sunny day,
like the Beatles, space race,
 and the big and powerful--Watergate.

Do you mind?  Twelve
 years ago, on a cold but
sunny day, the happy crowd
 of faces watched in horror,
while a leader was taken from us.

Woodstock, Vietnam, two
 more political killings, not
to mention an economic crisis
 and the end of the Cold War.

If you are so persistent
 to interrupt me, then maybe
you should examine your
 heart and tell me what you feel.

Mini-skirts, Glitter rock, Liberal
 morality, Terrorism, Crime rise,
Women's Lib, protests at college,
 co-ed dorms, drugs, and liquor.

Can't you answer a simple
 question, as to what is in
your heart?  Hate?  Love?
 Compassion?  Resentment?

Nostalgic Apathy.  LBJ,
SAC, GRF, ABM, John Denver,
 ITT, Chicago Seven, SST,
McGovern for President, Spiro.

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