Sunday, August 24, 2014

Nobody Cares, 2006

1.  Hey, How's it going?
2.  Oh fine (depressed)
1.  What's the matter?
2.  Nothing
1.  You don't want to talk about it?
2.  You don't want to know.
1.  Try me.
2.  Okay, nobody cares.
1.  What?
2.  Nobody cares.
1.  I care.
2.  You do?
1.  Yeah, I care.
2.  Thanks, that means a lot.
1.  Um...what am I supposed to care about?
2.  Me
1.  Oh, I thought you meant who was going to win _____________.
2.  Great.
1.  Okay, see ya.
2.  Nobody cares.

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