Sunday, August 3, 2014

Miranda, 1990

Falling down from the space
of a lonely dream
Wishing hope that you'd come
back to see me
Wanting you to come to my arms again,
My Miranda.

Knowing you don't feel my pain,
Caring whether you live or die,
Wanting to laugh with you again,
Sweet Miranda.

Miranda (you're the joy of my life)
Miranda (I want to make you my wife)
Miranda (I want to spend my whole life with you)

Drowning in my tears for you,
Calling out your name at night,
Trying to forget your face,
My Miranda.

Miranda (where are you)
Miranda (I need you)
Miranda (please call me)

Wishing the phone would ring
Looking out the window for you
Dying 'cause you're not here
Sweet Miranda.

Knowing you laugh at me,
Dreaming you were back to stay,
Wanting you next to me,
My Miranda.

Miranda (you're not coming back)
Miranda (I'm already packed)
Miranda (tell me where you've gone)

Living in a fantasy world
Knowing you belong to another guy
Loving you but never having you
My Miranda.

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