Monday, August 4, 2014

A Moment In Time, 2006

(One guy looking off into space, oblivious of what is going on around him.  Two guys enter from opposite sides)

#1.  (to 2nd guy) Hey, how's it goin'?
#2.  Fine, and you?
#1.  Couldn't be better.
#2.  How's the wife and kids?
#1.  Great.  Your job going well?
#2.  Yeah.  I closed a big deal last week.
#1.  Glad to hear it.  (notices the guy staring off into space)  Hey, who's that?
#2.  I don't know.  I never saw him before.
#1.  I don't think he's from around here.
#2.  What's he looking at?
#1.  Let's go see.
#2.  Hey, buddy.  What are you looking at?  (no answer)
#1.  Maybe he's deaf.
#2.  (gets louder)  Hey, buddy.  What are you looking at?  (no answer)
#1.  (taps #3 on the shoulder)  Hey you.  (#3 looks up, #1 gesturing while talking)
#3.  God.
#2.  (to #1)  Oh, he's one of those crazy people.
#1.  Yeah, you want to grab some lunch?
#2.  Okay, what about him?
#1.  Oh, let him sit there.  He's not bothering anybody.
#2.  Where do you want to eat?  (as they exit)
#1 & #2.  (turn around and yell at #3)  STUPID!  (laughing as they exit)
#3.  Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.

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