Thursday, January 30, 2014

Love is Lost

Not so very long ago--
There was a little man,
He tried to get all he could--
Until there was no more.

One day he realized there was something else,
Something more important than all others,
He didn't have love,
And love didn't have him.

He tried and tried to get it,
He searched far and near,
There was none to be found--
So he cried and cried.

One day, he saw what he had dreamed for,
He saw love,
But love didn't see him,
So he strived for his love.

He did things for his love,
He said things to his love,
He cried out to his love,
But his love didn't hear him.

He didn't know what to do,
He tried his best to show his love,
He just couldn't succeed,
So he died.

Now, his love has heard him,
She knows about his suffering,
She saw what happened to him,
She was so sorry,
But he had lost.

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