Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Death of Me, 1973

So many times,
 I get mad at
  me, and wish that
   me was dead.

I say, "Drop dead, me",
 But me says, "Go to Hell",
  So I still fight me.

Me once told me that I
 had to shape up or ship
  out, but me was wrong.

I told me to "Get lost", and
 so me dropped out of
  sight by jumping in
   a lake.

Now, I'm sad that me
 is gone, because me was
  the only me I had.

Cry, cry, cry for me,
 But don't pity me,
  Because I hated me,
   And me can't swim.

Let me live forever.
Amen.  Amen.  Amen.
and Strike up the band.

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