Saturday, December 20, 2014

Twenty Months, 1971

I don't know what to do,
I don't know what to say,
There is nothing I can do,
My father is mad at me,
My mother can't stand me,
I am afraid.

Try to get a gun and shoot myself,
Try to get a knife and stab myself,
Try to get poison or a plastic bag,
I got to take my own life,
And I got to do it now.

I don't know what to do,
My mind is all in a spin,
My brain is blowing up!

I can't stand it,
I can't stand it,
I'm all alone.

Social pressures,
Men and women,
Don't know what to do.

The time is high,
I'm very mad,
I'm being thrown with some killers of the mind,
And I don't like it a bit.

Everyone seems kind,
But they're putting on a face,
They criticize me,
They hate me,
But I can't do a thing about it.

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