Monday, December 8, 2014

A Thought on Tomorrow, 1974

 Tomorrow will be June 17, 1974, which is a point in my life.  It is my 21st birthday, brought to you by the John Dursts.  I feel that it is just another birthday, but it is also a time when I will be passing into adulthood, according to the society in which I live.  I will be able to do many things, that I have previously not been able to do, legally.  Even though many things have been given to 18 year olds, the 21st birthday is still the old standard of becoming an adult.  Am I ready for this responsibility?  It seems that I will have some responsibility but not much more than I already have.  What's so different about becoming 21 years old that when I was 20?  I am no longer a teenager.  I am an adult.  Am I?  I'm supposed to be.  But, am I?  Perhaps, I'll be an adult tomorrow.  Who knows?  Zap, I'm an adult!  Am I?  Of course I am, because society says that I am.  Don't argue with society.  You can't fight city hall.
 Tomorrow will be June 17, 1974.  What's the difference?

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