Wednesday, December 31, 2014


The grass that blows in
the dark of night is just
as green as in the light
of day, but you just can't
see it happening.

This is true with so many
things that are not necessarily
in nature.

A person could be like the
grass.  He exists within
himself while existing with
other people, but the insides
is what you can't see.

So how can you see the
inside thoughts of a person?
You can't, until you read the
thoughts on this paper.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Why do you say you're for peace?
Won't you tell me please?
You want to work all you can,
But you don't give a damn.
You fight for what you think is right,
But you don't know what's best,
To you, Peace is just a word,
That somewhere you heard.

Monday, December 29, 2014

An Untitled Drama

I cry inside for
help to anyone
who will hear me
but I'm always happy.

I yell out to
anyone who's present
but I am
always quiet.

Someone once said
that I was hard
to get to know,
but who do they know?

When I examine myself
I find that I'm
different people
to different people.

Why must it be that
way?  It's easy to
explain...others are
like that too.

"Oh, not they're not!",
says the world.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

An Untrue Happening

 The time could have been the present, the past, or maybe the future, but instead it was 8:06 p.m.  Jack Franklin Sims was watching television in his favorite position--straight down.  Jack was the president of a large corporation in the Midwest.  His wife was out-of-town during this particular day.  She was off on a trip of good-will to help the poor in a nearby town.
 The T. V. show was over.  Jack got an idea.  Why not do something that had never been done before?  Why not go to Saturn and back before his wife got home?  He would have to go before the next day, when his wife was coming home.  It was just a few million miles away.  He could make it, if he hurried.
 Sims went outside to his work-house.  He took some tin and wood, and he put together a first-class rocket.  Gasoline was used for fuel.  It was 9:15 p.m., when he finished.  The countdown started.  At exactly 9:16 p.m., the engine was ignited.  There was a big explosion.
 Mrs. Sims came home the next morning.  She found a large crater in the backyard.  On investigation,
she found what seemed to be the remains of a person.  Little did she know that Jack Franklin Sims was out of this world, in more ways than one.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Understanding Jimmy, 1974

Where is the season of
 pity that all the right people
  were focusing their wares?

Where is the season of
 sorrow that comes when someone
  is dead or is buried through hearts?

Where is the season of
  pain that comes when a friend
   is lost from society which gave his birth?

Where is the season of
 sadness that comes when you
  cannot do anymore for anyone?

Where is the season of
 humanity that comes when they
  accept people and not labels?

When does the season of
 an individual disappear from
  the scene without a trace?

When does it happen?
Where does he go?

Friday, December 26, 2014

Untitled, 1974

It's so nice to be famous,
Yes, it's so nice don't you see?
Yes, it's so nice to be famous,
Star of stage, screen, and T.V.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Untitled, 1979

Scribbling on a wall
a boy tried to say
that he was still alive,
but nobody saw it,
so it doesn't matter
to the world if
he did it or not.

It's like--if you yell
and no one hears you,
then your yell is worthless,
because the world still turns,
and clocks still tick,
and children still say their
prayers before they go to bed.

Obituaries are for the living.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Uncle Don News Report, 1972

Announcer.   And now, live and direct from the Ohio State University Locker Room in Portland,
                      Oregon, pulling no punches and striking several blows to the face, here is the five
                      minute Uncle Don news report with Uncle Don, Lloyd Loser with the sports, and
                     Willie Wrong with the weather.  Tonight's editorial comment will be given by Dr.
                     Charles Editorial.  And now, here's Uncle Don.

Singers.        We've got good news and bad news and true news and blue news...

Uncle Don.   But first the news.  This just in--a whale was found today swimming in a fountain in
                     St. Louis, Mo.  No one was able to explain the whale's being there, except to say that
                     was a whale of a story...Two H-bombs were exploded over central Kansas, it was
                     learned today.  No reason was given, since the incident happened nearly five years ago.
                     Who will be or has been next?...Federal agents today seized 434 pounds of saltine
                     crackers that were being smuggled out of the country.  The smugglers were quoted as
                     saying, "Well, what about the starving Chinese?"  Now for sports, here is Lloyd Loser.
                     Oh, Lloyd lost again, here's a commercial.

& Singers.    Double the goodness, double the cavities, with "Double chew", "Double chew", "Double
                     chew" gum.  Yes friends, "Double chew" gum gives you two chews in every stick.  And
                     now, you can save those wrapper and get some valuable prizes including a free trip to
                     your dentist's office.  Be the first one on your street to get the double chew goodness
                     of "Double chew" gum.  Now back to our program.

Lloyd Loser. It's sports time!  Yea!  Ole!  Hooray!  Watusi!  Well today we're going to cover several
                      sports with a wet blanket.  It rained all day, so no sports.  Now, over to Willie Wrong.

Willie Wrong. Wow, this has been a great day!  The sun was never brighter until today, except in
                         Portland, where there were floods.  You've got to try harder you guys.  The high
                         today was 38 degrees, while the low this morning was 103 degrees.  Let's check
                         that humidity.  It reads 20 minutes after eight.  The barometer is steady between
                         2 and 36.  Now over to Dr. Charles Editorial.

Editorial.        Tonight's editorial deals with the rising cost of living in Carson Falls, West Virginia.
                       Since the recent atomic holocaust in the small town, business has been slow.  Is
                       there any reason why Carson Falls, W. Va. has to suffer like the rest of us?  Yes,
                       because it is a town in the gold ole U. S. of A., and comes under the same rules as
                       the rest of us.

Announcer.    The preceding comment is the opinion of Dr. Editorial.  Write your nasty letters to
                       him, instead of this station.  For a printed copy of tonight's editorial, send $5.00
                       plus a picture of your dog to:  Editorial Number 604 on "Carson Falls", 8604
                       Zenith Rd., Apt. 17, Brucehill, Wisconsin.  Now back to Uncle Don.

Uncle Don.   That's all for tonight.  Join us again at 11:30 tonight, for the best in entertainment.
                      We'll have with us the latest death toll from the war in Upper Volta.  Until then,
                      for Willie Wrong, Lloyd Loser, and the entire staff, goodnight, and remember, it's
                      not the news that we report, it's just the truth.

Announcer.   This program was brought to you by the Magnificent Aerial Farming Institute of
                      America or MAFIA.  They can help you when you need them.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Uncle Don Variety Show, 1972

Announcer.   And now, live, direct, and unexpurgated from Billy's Barber Shop in Berkeley,
                      Brooklyn, and Boone's Farm, here is the Uncle Don Variety Show.  We've got acts
                      never before seen on T. V.  Some of them will never be seen or heard from again.
                      So now, with music, comedy, and the spice of life, here's Uncle Don.

Uncle Don.   Thank you, yes, here is the variety show.  We don't promise that you will like
                      everything, but please like something or we will be cancelled.  Let's get started with a
                      comic from Caraway Seed, Nevada.  Here is Joe Kocomo.  Let's hear it for Joe.
                      (complete silence)

Kocomo.       Well thank you, a great audience, great audience.  I am reminded of the priest, who
                      blessed a marriage, and then found out that they didn't have any money to pay him.
                      (silence)  You know what the world's best bomb is?  It's me.  (silence)  A funny thing
                      happened to me on the way here tonight.  A 6000-pound gorilla carried me up the
                      Empire State Building and thought that I was a banana.  (silence)  You've been a
                      great audience, thank you.

Uncle Don.   That was wonderful, Joe.  Let's hear it for Joe Kocomo.  (one person claps in back of
                      audience)  Now, while the stage crew is setting up the stage for our next act, out in our
                      audience tonight, sitting out there is John Wayne, former movie star, and he is now
                      the Duke of the Zambezi River Valley.  Stand up, your royal highness.  Our next act is
                      rather strange.  It comes from the Australian outback.  Here is an actual aborigine
                      singing, "I Can't Stop Loving You".

Aborigine.     Megumba, myowi, patuli kai, the words I don't know, 'cause my throat's so dry.

Uncle Don.   Oh, let's hear it for this great singer.  (everyone cheers and claps)

Monday, December 22, 2014

The Unfinished Rain, 1970

Rain is bright and breezy,
Although you might think it's queasy,
That men might say it's gay,
And women might say it's okay.

Rain is wet,
Even for your pets,
Who says we are the ones who are the bores?
We just want it to rain some more.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Joy, 1971

I've got joy,
I've found love,
My ship has come in.

I've got joy,
No more death,
No more suicide,
Because of joy.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Twenty Months, 1971

I don't know what to do,
I don't know what to say,
There is nothing I can do,
My father is mad at me,
My mother can't stand me,
I am afraid.

Try to get a gun and shoot myself,
Try to get a knife and stab myself,
Try to get poison or a plastic bag,
I got to take my own life,
And I got to do it now.

I don't know what to do,
My mind is all in a spin,
My brain is blowing up!

I can't stand it,
I can't stand it,
I'm all alone.

Social pressures,
Men and women,
Don't know what to do.

The time is high,
I'm very mad,
I'm being thrown with some killers of the mind,
And I don't like it a bit.

Everyone seems kind,
But they're putting on a face,
They criticize me,
They hate me,
But I can't do a thing about it.

Friday, December 19, 2014

True Love, 1973

She and I were
 lying in the grass
  one day and dreaming
   at the sky.

We thought of
 marriage, children
  and even the
   thought of happiness.

But we saw it
 could never work
  since we never
   saw eye to eye.

So, we stood up
 stretched our legs,
  ran through the grass
   and went our separate ways.

The poem should end here,
 but one postscript.

We met once again,
 on a concrete meadow,
  we said hello and smiled,
   but what was once is now a dream.

Dreams are not real,
 but they should be.


Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Trip to Six Flags over Georgia, 1970

We are going to a party,
To the lands of Aaron and Carty,
We're going to have a lot of fun,
Nowhere is there anything better under the sun.

There are many things to see and do,
Some are old and some are new,
This place represents six lands,
This place was built by many hands.

It's got boats and it's got trains,
Whoever thought of it sure had brains,
It is a very big park,
And you don't hear a single dog bark.

It is a very nice place,
Everywhere you see a smiling face,
This is in Georgia, not in Texas,
There are a lot of sunburned necks as the sun beats down on us,
No one makes a fuss.

We are having a lot of fun,
We've got two miles to go, maybe one,
I think I see it,
Break out the survival kit.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Tribute to A Friend

Sunrise brings the birth of day,
The morning dew bathes the hour,
Birds provide the opera in trees,
And, life again is fresh to share.

Your self has helped me to know,
That life, like nature, is sweet,
And despite trouble or strife,
You're the one who's really neat.

Your stature would make a lion cower,
Your character is beyond compare,
Your life is liked by everyone,
When things are bad, you are there.

Sunsets are coming--they always do,
Life will shorten into the night,
The birds will retire in silence,
But you will always be the Light.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Trance

 The being on inner nature surrounding the outer banks of the self within nature is founded on reality.  Within your self, your being, your existence there remains your past, the reminding past, circling through yourself, over and over again.  Spiraling around and around.  Repeating yourself.
 Creating a being is more than reality.  It is a way of life.  The above paragraph was written while coming out of a trance.  If it doesn't make sense, then I have failed.  The entire structure of the paragraph involves the thought processes in the sub-conscious state.  Realize this, and you have understood the basis for a trance-like state.  Otherwise, keep thinking of an absolute nothing.
 A trance can be obtained through many means.  One can go into a trance through music, natural environment, or concentration on an object or two.  The trance-like state is used to expand one's mind and open it to wider perceptions.  Some people call hypnosis, a trance-producer.  In some cases, this is true.  The actual trance, through concentration, can give one a hypnotic state.  Concentrating on your very being results in a trance.
 Personally, I use three methods in obtaining trances.  1.  The music from the movie--"2001-A Space Odyssey".  1.  Concentrating on the muscles, bones, and skin of the body.  3.  Concentrating on expansion of one's self or some object.  Example: a leaf.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Analogy Of Importance

 One upon a time, (cliché), there were two boys--Super and Frankie.  Super lived in a big city, and Frankie lived in a small town.  Both boys had black hair, both had blue jeans, and both wore glasses.  The difference was the length of the hair.  Super's hair was long and bushy.  Frankie's hair was in a crew cut.  Super was called a freak.  Frankie was called a hick.  Which would you choose for a friend?  Personally, I'd choose the freak, because he would be more important in this world, today.  You don't think the hick is important in this world, do you?

Sunday, December 14, 2014

To the...

To the sun:
 the brightness excels your smile,
 the light shines around your space,
 within the dark reaches of life--
 you make it real,
 you bring the world closer to me,
 so do your thing, please before we die.

To the moon:
 GROW UP!  Won't You?

Saturday, December 13, 2014

To the Sore Throats

Sore throats are made to
 be felt and not seen,
  which makes them
   so difficult to tell about.

You can't speak or else
 it will hurt, but you
  have to tell someone
   that you have a pain.

So, here's to you who
 have sore throats and
  to some, who have
   more than others.

Don't talk, laugh, or
 strain your voice,
  because it makes
   more pain for you.

Rest in bed, drink
 plenty of liquids, and
  take aspirin to relieve
   your fever and pain.

Don't cough your way
 into oblivion, because
  then you won't have
   a throat to heal.


Friday, December 12, 2014

To Somebody, 1972

In the light of darkness,
In the speed of ants

Peace be still
Someone said
That man is dead
But life lives on
Through this somebody that I know.

Forever and ever
Until the sun shines through darkness.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

To Kill or Not to Kill, 1969

 It was a cold and rainy day.  It was winter time.  The day was Tuesday.  The date was November 26, 1986.  The time was 10:00 in the morning.  A small two-door foreign car stopped at the crossroads of a farm road and a main highway.  A small, but fat old man stepped out of the car.  The man had on an old dark green raincoat with a little hat on his head.  He put a metal box, like that of a tackle box, down on the ground.  He got back into his car and drove off.  An hour later a man in a station-wagon drove up to the crossroads and stopped.  On the car door, there was a sign that says "Red Cross Farm".  The man was tall and broad-shouldered.  He was wearing jeans with a large, husky coat on.  He got out of the car, picked up the metal box, and drove off.
 The same time in Washington, D.C., a meeting is taking place in the White House.  Those attending the meeting are the President, the heads of security for the President, the Treasury Department agents assigned to the president, the leaders of the Secret Service, and officials from the F.B.I.  The meeting is on the subject of security measures for the upcoming trip to the Midwest.  The President is planning a large, open-air, meeting to promote a new project in the Midwest.  The President, Vice-President, and Secretary of Agriculture will be at the meeting in the Midwest.  The President says, "Now, I know this is going to be an open-air meeting, but I do not see why we need to have so many security agents everywhere".  F.B.I. agent William Jefferson, who is the head of the F.B.I.'s work in the Midwest, says, "But Mr. President, there have been a number of shootings in the Midwest lately".

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Toi Chi Sun

 Toi Chi Sun is a form of self-defense, which has its roots in three Oriental countries:  Korea, China, and Vietnam.  It uses Korean technique of kick (front, side, and back) and hand (knife, hook, etc.).  It also uses the exercise technique of China, where control is a prime factor.  Finally, it uses the surprise and attack technique of Vietnam.
 To Chi Sun teaches that Karate does not have to be shown publically to be achieved.  It is not taught, so that a person can break boards.  It is taught, so that a person can defend himself against any opponent.
 I have been studying this form for approx. 5 years.  It is done through concentration.  The moves are based in the sub-conscious, and are transferred to the conscious during an attack.  Adrenalin is pumped into the muscles, and strength is achieved.  This strength is continued for about six hours, at which time, I start to lose the strength.
 Proponents of this form are:  Moja Rone--San Francisco Karate Expert and Author, Baghavid Gita--Indian Philosopher, Lawrence Southerland--Karate instructor in Anderson, S. C., and other people regarding to Oriental Arts.
 It all comes down to one idea.  Toi Chi Sun is mind over body.  The same idea can be used to stand pain, cold, hot, strain, stress, and anxiety.  This form is known in Vietnam as Toi Chi Lin Da Shau.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Today in Uncle Don Land, 1971

Announcer.   And now, direct from our studio in Cell 143-B of the Oregon State Correctional
                      Institution in Portland, Oregon, it's "Today in Uncle Don Land".  Along with Uncle
                      Don, we have Lynn Novice, our newsman--Jerry Plate, and our weatherman, who
                      just got out of jail, Joey Jive.  And now, here's Uncle Don.

Uncle Don.   Well folks, here I am again.  We've moved our studio, because the police raided our
                      other studio.  I have some sad news.  Lynn Novice won't be with us--because she was
                      hit by a truck.  On our show, we've got the head of the "Smuggling Heroin League"--
                      Jose Smith; the vice-chairman of the "Bring our Boys Back from Berlin Foundation"--
                      Fred Fink; Charlotte Chum--head of "Women Of Power" or "WOP"; and the "Bop
                      Boys", who will sing for us.  Here's our weatherman, Joey Jive, to give us the weather.

Joey Jive.      Thanks Uncle Don, it sure is good to get back into jail.  Let's look at the map.  For you
                      people that are revolting in Eugene today, the weather will be fair and windy--so
                      those firebombs will spread faster through those buildings.  For those in Salem--you
                      will have rain--so wait until tomorrow to blow up the city.  That's all for today.  Our
                      high in Portland is acid, and our low is bennies.

Uncle Don    That was great Joey.  Here is a commercial from "Bobby Sox".

Announcer.   Remember those Bop days?  Well, they're coming back.  ...And the way to stay with
                      the times is with "Bobby Sox".  It will not only rejuvenate your feet, but it will also
                      knock your shoes off.  Drink it with a friend.  "Bobby Sox"  is MY cup of tea!

Uncle Don.   Here's our first guest--Jose Smith.  He is president of the "Smuggling Heroin League".
                     He provides powder for needy people in America.  Welcome Mr. Smith.

Smith.          Wow!  Far out!

Uncle Don.  Are you on anything?

Smith.          Yes, my chair--Ha Ha Ha!

Uncle Don.   Well, tell me what the "Smuggling Heroin League" is all about.

Smith.           We have an organized society of ships between Nome, Alaska and Veracruz, Mexico.
                      Everyday, thousands of junkies get fixes, because of our loyal, dedicated wetbacks.

Uncle Don.   Well, that's real nice.  (Uncle Don pushes a little button behind his chair.  Suddenly,
                      50 policemen rush into cell 143-B and take Jose Smith away.)  Well, as you can see,
                      I'm not only a loveable, well-liked person--I'm also a narc.  Let's go to Jerry Plate
                      for the news.  Jerry,

Plate.             Thanks Uncle Don.  Today we had several riots, demonstrations, and card playin's.
                      The most interesting item was an attack by flying fish on salmon.  Salmon won by
                      a final score of 3-2.

Uncle Don.   Well thanks Jerry, that was SOME report!  Now for an advertisement from our
                      sponsor--Bunseam Bread.

Announcer.   Bunseam Bread gives you W.A.S.P.--Wonderful American Super Protein.  It will
                      make you grow higher and your neck redder.  Bunseam Bread is great for your ego.

Uncle Don.   Now, our nest guest is Fred Fink.  Mr. Fink is the vice-chairman of the "Bring our
                     Boys Back from Berlin Foundation".  He has a great deal of education at P.S. No. 147
                     in Brooklyn, where he was a student for 36 years.  It certainly is a pleasure to have you
                     here, Mr. Fink.

Fred Fink.    Thank you.

Uncle Don.   Tell us what the foundation does.

Fred Fink.    Our foundation gives money to the soldiers in Berlin.  We give them about $6.00 a
                     month.  This money goes toward an airplane ticket, so that they can come home.
                     Unfortunately, it takes about 20 years to get enough money to come home.  That's
                     why we need everyone's support in our effort.  If we could be able to give every
                     soldier $12 a month, instead of $6, it could cut the arrival time in half.  In other words,
                     it will take 10 years, instead of 20.

Uncle Don.   Well, I'm sure that you'll get all the support you need.  Where can people send their

Fred Fink.    They can send it to "Bring our Boys Back from Berlin", P.O. Box 1902, Cell no. 607,
                     Leavenworth, Kansas.  If you send a check of more than $1.50, you will get a free
                     membership to the foundation.

Uncle Don.   Thank you for stopping by, Fred.  Now folks, here's a word from our sponsor, Seppi

Announcer.   Seppi Cola is the official drink of the Mafia, the Syndicate, and all those other
                      protecting organizations.  Seppi Cola gives you B.I.R.C.H.--Better Ink-Rich Cold
                      Honey, a new secret formula for sweeter cheeks.  Seppi Cola seeps into your body
                      and gives you a feeling you'll never forget.  Seppi Cola--buy it today.

Uncle Don.   Yes, that's Seppi Cola.  Now,  here's our musical feature.  Uusually we like to
                      introduce a new group during this time slot, so here's a new group that call
                      themselves the "Bop Boys".  The members of the group are Spade, who plays the
                      piano and sings, and Oglethorpe, who plays the kazoo and sings.  They write their
                      own songs.  They bring back the sounds of the fifties and put them in a modern
                      flavor.  Ladies and gentlemen, the "Bop Boys".

Bop Boys.     (singing)  Doo wah wah wah, Doo wah wah wah, Doo wah wah wah, Doo wah wah
                      wah, Doo wah dee.  (speaking)  Hello ladies and gentlemen, and we're the Bop Boys.
                      We gon' sing some beach songs, some car songs, some love songs, but first of all we
                      gotta do our introductory song.  You see, we play rock and roll. 
                      (singing)  Shing-a-ling bop a doo, Shing-a-ling bop a doo, Shing-a-ling bop a doo--
                      We're gonna sing a song for my baby who's blue
                      Bee bop a doo, Shing-a-ling too
                      Gonna do the fish for my baby who's blue
                      Gonna do the twist with my blue suede shoes
                      Doo bop a doo bop a doo bop a doo doo.

Uncle Don.   That was great boys.  Folks, if you enjoy, send your vote to Cell 143-B of the Oregon
                      State Correctional Institution, and maybe these boys will come back next week.
                      (aside)  That was awful!  Now, here is our last guest--Charlotte Chum.  Miss Chum
                      is head of "Women Of Power" or "WOP".  Good morning Miss Chum.

Chum.           Hi there.

Uncle Don.   Tell us briefly what your program covers.

Chum.           Well you see, it's like this, "Women Of Power" was organized to give women a voice
                      in their exploitation.

Uncle Don.   Could you tell us where women are being exploited?

Chum.           I can give you 3 examples:  "Bunseam Bread", "Bobby Sox", and "Seppi Cola".

Uncle Don.   (whispering)  You can't say that.  They're our sponsors.

Chum.           (shouting)  You can't tell me what I can and cannot say!

Uncle Don.   Well, I see by our director, Al Capone, that it's time to say so long for Jerry Plate,
                      Joey Jive, and the deceased Lynn Novice for now.  Tune in tomorrow--same time,
                      same channel, different studio.

Chum.           "Women Of Power" will live for 1000 years.  Long live "WOP"!

Uncle Don.   Goodbye folks!

Monday, December 8, 2014

A Thought on Tomorrow, 1974

 Tomorrow will be June 17, 1974, which is a point in my life.  It is my 21st birthday, brought to you by the John Dursts.  I feel that it is just another birthday, but it is also a time when I will be passing into adulthood, according to the society in which I live.  I will be able to do many things, that I have previously not been able to do, legally.  Even though many things have been given to 18 year olds, the 21st birthday is still the old standard of becoming an adult.  Am I ready for this responsibility?  It seems that I will have some responsibility but not much more than I already have.  What's so different about becoming 21 years old that when I was 20?  I am no longer a teenager.  I am an adult.  Am I?  I'm supposed to be.  But, am I?  Perhaps, I'll be an adult tomorrow.  Who knows?  Zap, I'm an adult!  Am I?  Of course I am, because society says that I am.  Don't argue with society.  You can't fight city hall.
 Tomorrow will be June 17, 1974.  What's the difference?

Sunday, December 7, 2014

This Poem Needs No Title, 1975

I try real hard to
 succeed when the world
  crashes all around me.

I wish that certain
 persons would recognize
  me for being me and not
   some crazy hippie they
    met at a party years
     ago when life was nice
      and you could still say how
       pretty she looked and now
        I'm criticized for my ideas
         and my mind breaks down
          to a level before being born
           and I'm a vegetable or sorts
            but why does it have to be that
             way, or haven't you heard?

The coroner ruled his
 death as a suicide and
  the preacher led them in prayer.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

35 Years, 1972

Happiness to happiness
All the day through,
Promises and
Perils that have gone before

Always seeing
Not knowing what to do,
Noticeable changes
In life,
Very funny laughter
Ever present,
Running through fields at picnics,
Saying, "I Love You",
Almost without
You have been married 35 years.

Friday, December 5, 2014

That Girl's Too Young for You

That Girl's Too Young,
That Girl's Too Young,
That Girl's Too Young,
That Girl's Too Young for You.

Everybody says to act your age,
But I feel young around her,
I feel like I've turned the page,
'Cause she is always there.

That Girl's too young for you.

She's kinda small--
And I'm kinda tall
Her hair is thick and long,
I can't wait to get her call
So that's why I sing this song.

That Girl's too young for you.

Who cares what others say,
We're together and that's what matters
When I'm with her life is okay,
I've got a full bladder (ha ha).

Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Testimony, 1982

 When one examines the word "testimony", there are several different meanings.  Some meanings may be religious in nature or perhaps judicial, but the word itself is harmless until you think about it.  When I hear this word, I think of someone giving his testimony, but who gets the testimony?  What is supposed to be the end result of a testimony?  Is it merely a vehicle to express one's feelings or can it actually mean something to those who hear it?  When does a testimony stop being a show-off kind of thing and start being inspirational?  These questions are probably best answered by the person giving the testimony.
 There are several kinds of testimonies, in a religious setting.  Some people use Bibles or quote scripture for their testimony.  This approach is good, as long as the Bible is used properly and not as a crutch.  Other people use the sincere approach in their delivery, which is pleasing to the ear but may be somewhat of a front for which they really feel.  Still others use the shock approach, where they tell their life story, using the juicy stuff.  Many times, the shocker is also the testimony designed to obtain sympathy from the audience for the speaker.  Whatever kind of testimony is used, there should be one key element involved in all testimonies--truthfulness.
 Some people have said that they do not have a testimony.  They say this because they are used to the shocker approach, and they don't think they can live up to the kind of life that might be more exciting than theirs.  This philosophy just isn't true, since everyone has a testimony if they opened their eyes and taken a breath.
 In conclusion, a testimony can be very effective if used properly.  As long as you are true to yourself, you will be true and receptive to the needs of others.  That's what a testimony is all about.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Tantrum, 1973

Whatever happened to baby Jane?
She cried and laughed and
Threw a tantrum.  Then the
World blew up and gave her
A lollipop to quiet her down.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Take It, 1968

I ran all around,
In search of a man,
I had to give him
A bright new car,
I said take it, take it, take it.

The man said, "Why?"
I said, "Because I want you to
Take it, take it, take it."

He said he would not do it,
I said that yes he would,
He said, "What is in it for me?",
I said just take it, take it, take it.

He took it,
He has taken it,
And now I have no one to say to,
Take it, take it, take it.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Tithe to Tell, 1969

If you know how a church gets some chairs,
You know that somebody cares,
A person might be saved by you,
And we will have to do.

Tithe to tell,
Ring the bell,
Tithe to give,
Eternally you will live.

A person needs to give his all,
Trace it back from now to Paul,
If you know just what to give,
You will eternally live.

Tithe to tell,
Ring the bell,
If you gave,
Then you will save.