Thursday, November 6, 2014

They Napalmed Our Boys in Illinois, 1971

In 19 hundred and 68,
Abbie and Jerry were told to wait,
The Democratic Convention was going to meet,
The revolutionaries were supposed to beat.

They called in the fuzz and the R.O.T.C.,
There was something that Abbie didn't see,
They napalmed our boys--
In Illinois.

The confrontation was in a Chicago park,
It went on till way past dark,
The SDS used glass and rocks,
The fuzz had the area sealed off for blocks.

Now it's 19 hundred and 72,
And everyone is very blue,
The Demo Convention is in our 51st state,
The army used this place as bait.

Abbie and Jerry took their forces,
The army found out from reliable sources,
So to prevent a riot, they napalmed--
Our boys in Vietnam.

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