Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Special Day in Two Lives, 1981

You met what seems like a thousand years ago,
And here you are together to make your trip go longer,
You both have been my friends for a few years,
And I am glad to have watched you grow with me.

A poet's words cannot express the love I have for you,
Nor can I begin to tell you what you have meant to me,
But as the sands of time cover our tracks,
We can still look back and remember what was.

And now as you go hand in hand to the future,
May God keep you in his hand, too,
May you have fun in your lives,
And enjoy what God has for you to do.

Too often life goes by and we do not say thanks,
And too often we rush through things and do not think,
And too often we stop and then it is too late,
But as life blesses you, remember that you have blessed me.

Thanks, and may God bless you always.

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