Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sunday School Show, 1983

Laverne.   Good morning, everybody.  My name is Laverne, and it's really great to see all of you
                  kids out there, and I see some older folks, too.  Hi, you guys.  You know what?  I've got
                  a friend of mine that you might like to meet.  Herman!  Herman!

Herman.    Yeah, Laverne?  What do you want?

Laverne.   I wanted you to meet all of these nice people and for them to see YOU.

Herman.   Oh no, Laverne!  I'm not ready for Sunday School.

Laverne.   These kids don't mind, Herman, do you kids?

Herman.   But, I think I left my coat and tie at home.

Laverne.   That's okay.  We like you just the way you are.

Herman.   Thanks, Laverne.  I'm glad you are my friend.

Laverne.   And, I hope that before too long, everyone here will be your friend, too.

Herman.   Oh, I know they will.

Laverne.   Herman?  I think this church is real lucky to have such nice people here.

Herman.   Me, too.

Laverne.   Do you know those older people back there?

Herman.   Some of them look kinda familiar.  I think they were here last year.

Laverne.   That's right.  I heard that everyone of them was real nice.

Herman.   And, some of them are good looking, especially the girls.

Laverne.   Herman!  Keep your mind on Sunday School.

Herman.  Okay.  Do you think we're going to have a good time this week?

Laverne.  Where?

Herman.   Here.  If I remember from last year, we're going to have Bible School.

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