Monday, July 21, 2014

Look at Me, 1973

When do I find out
what life is all about?
Won't you tell me please?

When does love come to me
like it's happened to
thousands before?

Right now, I don't know--who I am,
And I want to know--who I am,
Won't you tell me--who I am,
Look at me, yes please
Look at me--and tell me.

In the past few weeks,
life has been hard--
and time has been going down.

Why can't time just stand still,
instead of it crumbling
up my mind?

I don't know where
I'm going or what
I'm doing now.

Who am I?
Look at me--
and please tell me who I am?

I ask for a gun,
please give me a knife,
I've got to hang myself,
where is some poison,
or how about a little suffocation,
won't you help me, please?

I ask for a way to kill myself,
and all I get is a lecture
from a girl, named Sandy.

She tries to help me,
perhaps she understands me,
but no one will know the complications.

So now, I'm sitting and writing this song,
And asking for some help,
To you, who are listening, may I ask you--
Look at--me and tell me who I am?

Yes, look at me--look at me,
and tell me who I am?

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