Thursday, July 3, 2014

Last Day of Classes, 1974

Listening to music at half past eight,
Wishing that tomorrow would come and
   stop the wait,
Because tomorrow is when I leave
Lifting bags with one big "Heave"!,
If that's how you spell it.

Well anyway, Christmas is coming
While grades come too and show
Whether I will pass or fail or
Whatever will happen between me
  and my school.

So I write to only say that
I feel like I'm fixin-to-die-rag,
and Country Joe and the Fish,
and many more, too.

And a girl smokes three cigarettes
 during exams for nerves and more
  during class for munchies.  And
   stomachs gurgle and growl with
    the smell of ciggies.  And
     1:00 comes and you eat.
      Yum!  Yum!  and get sick.

So, where is my love at the
train station or the airport
or the bus terminal or where?

She's home on the phone
talking to a boy about
Friday night.  And so it goes...

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