Wednesday, July 2, 2014

KLM Flight 7758 Now Arriving at Gate 7, 1978

What is life?  Something
 you read about in a dream
  years ago or was it just a
   fleeting wisp of glory known
    as Camelot.

Pies and skies and drama
 too were there when things were
  down and I dreamed of the day
   when we could say hello
    at least once.

And we jumped and pushed
 until we were numb or just
  a little uncertain about
   things to come or things
    already gone.

Now we are flying as high as
 is possible or maybe the
  altitude is getting to us and
   we are passing out or even
    passing in.

And the songs we sing are a
 mere reflection of our life in
  general of days gone by and
   are here now or at least
    it seems to be.

So if you see me walking
 down the street, I pray the
  Lord my soul to keep and
   if I die before I wake at
    least I hope to be skyjacked.

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